Why I donated ALL my books to librarywala.com
7th March 2013

librarywalaYup, all my books, about 150 of them, gone, donated to librarywala.com. Its no secret that I am a big fan of their service and have been a regular subscriber for over 3 years now. So what were the reasons for letting go of my precious collection? Read on.

I rarely re-read my books.

I had a great collection of self-help and business books. But I rarely re-read any of them. They were nice to look at in our living room shelf but were collecting dust. This way others can take advantage of them and I save a lot of space in my home. Also my wife thanks me for not filling the home with books. Happy wife = thumbs up.

Librarywala.com delivers unfailingly. I can request for them at any time.

In the 3 years I have subscribed to them, they have never failed to deliver the books I wanted. Right on my doorstep the very next day. Which means the books I want to read are just a click away. This means that effectively they have nullified the need for storage of books.

Initiatives like librarywala.com need to be supported and encouraged.

For book lovers, they are a god send. I cannot even calculate the amount I have saved in buying new books. Now I have to very occasionally buy a book when its not available on librarywala but after i finish reading it, guess where it goes. Yup. So for the sake of book lovers everywhere ? Subscribe, donate and enjoy.

I will now stop gushing about Librarywala.com and simply encourage all book lovers to subscribe.

Visit www.librarywala.com


About Me

He has been in the web development business for the almost two decades.He is a keen student of marketing and business development and writes regularly on web strategy and other related topics which is read and followed by many every month.

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